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Obnova hesla

Pre zaslanie nového hesla je nutné zadať e-mailovú adresu, ktorú ste zvolili pri svojej registrácii.
Váš e-mail slúži zároveň ako prihlasovacie meno.

Na tento e-mail vám pošleme dočasné heslo, pomocou ktorého sa budete môcť prihlásiť.

UP Centrála 1.4.3
Databáza v63.15
zostavenie 16 (release-debug),
LOGS: [2024-12-21 15:20:51.9326074] Run time 170 ms and 638 μs
- +
LOG START [2024-12-21]
[6BCDDC67:2EC57244 15:20:51.8150718]  LESCODE WARN  [arinas.platform.builtin.code.warn.exec:74] WARN in method: /security/realm/database.resetPassword() on Ln 37, Col 3: "Password reset failed. Cannot read user record", thrown [Databázová politika UP]
     ┬─ 0 = "Password reset failed. Cannot read user record" (string[46])
     └─ 1 ┬─ recordNotFound = NULL (void)
          └─ input ┬─ type ┬─ name = "pouzivatel" (string[10])
                   │       ├─ key ── simple ── id ┬─ type ── uint = NULL (void)
                   │       │                      └─ column = "pouzivatel_id" (string[13])
                   │       ├─ attr ┬─ pouzivatelId ┬─ type ── integer = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │               └─ column = "pouzivatel_id" (string[13])
                   │       │       ├─ prihlasovacieMeno ┬─ type ── string = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │                    └─ column = "prihlasovacie_meno" (string[18])
                   │       │       ├─ heslo ┬─ type ── string = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │        └─ column = "heslo" (string[5])
                   │       │       ├─ poslednePrihlasenie ┬─ type ── timestamp = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │                      ├─ timezone = false (bool)
                   │       │       │                      └─ column = "posledne_prihlasenie" (string[20])
                   │       │       ├─ pocetNeuspesnychPrihlaseni ┬─ type ── integer = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │                             └─ column = "pocet_neuspesnych_prihlaseni" (string[28])
                   │       │       ├─ aktivny ┬─ type ── bool = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │          └─ column = "aktivny" (string[7])
                   │       │       ├─ docasneHeslo ┬─ type ── string = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │               └─ column = "docasne_heslo" (string[13])
                   │       │       ├─ docasneHesloPlatneDo ┬─ type ── timestamp = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │                       ├─ timezone = false (bool)
                   │       │       │                       └─ column = "docasne_heslo_platne_do" (string[23])
                   │       │       ├─ fyzickaOsobaId ┬─ type ── integer = NULL (void)
                   │       │       │                 └─ column = "fyzicka_osoba_id" (string[16])
                   │       │       └─ fyzickaOsoba ┬─ type ── manyToOne = NULL (void)
                   │       │                       ├─ column = "fyzicka_osoba_id" (string[16])
                   │       │                       ├─ referencedColumn = "fyzicka_osoba_id" (string[16])
                   │       │                       └─ referencedType ┬─ __type = "/data/type/proxy" (string[16])
                   │       │                                         ├─ name = "Fyzická osoba" (string[14])
                   │       │                                         └─ typePath ── table ── fyzickaOsoba = NULL (void)
                   │       ├─ filter ── eq ┬─ column = "prihlasovacie_meno" (string[18])
                   │       │               ├─ value = <empty> (string)
                   │       │               └─ type ── string = NULL (void)
                   │       └─ order ┬─ 100021 ┬─ expr = "pouzivatel_id" (string[13])
                   │                │         └─ desc = true (bool)
                   │                └─ 100022 ── expr = "aktivny" (string[7])
                   └─ retrieve ── filter ── 100017 ┬─ __type = "/data/filter/compare" (string[20])
                                                   ├─ operator ── eq = NULL (void)
                                                   ├─ attr = "prihlasovacieMeno" (string[17])
                                                   ├─ valueType ── string = NULL (void)
                                                   └─ value = <empty> (string)
[6BCDDC67:2EC57244 15:20:51.8152168]  LESCODE WARN  [arinas.platform.builtin.code.warn.exec:74] WARN in method: /security/realm/static.resetPassword() on Ln 1, Col 1: "Not implemented!" [Staticka politika]
     = "Not implemented!" (string[16])